We are pleased to announce the availability of the renewed PhD Hub! Be one of the first to check it out and take advantage of it!

The PhD Hub has been created to connect researchers, enterprises and society at large. It promotes intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international collaboration and fosters innovation.

The platform was set up as part of the European PhD Hub project (2017-2020), an Erasmus+ funded initiative.  As our institution was one of the consortium partners, we are happy to bring the renewed platform to your attention.

Are you offering courses, jobs or funding opportunities for researchers and PhD candidates? Get in touch with them on PhD Hub! Now is your chance to try out the revitalised platform!

Simple registration, easy-to-use search functions and multi-filtering options will help you to find or publish personalised offers. 

The success of such platforms depends largely on the users. Join the PhD Hub now, and discover what it can offer you!




More information here: https://phdhub.eu